Lpspopular Wiki

I hadn't originally planned to write blog posts, but in a startling turn of events I won the sysop priveleges to this wiki, and I figured it was sort of necessary. I had been vying to become admin here since I joined, so I was extremely grateful and pleased when I discovered I had gotten the job. I am slowly but surely trying to improve the wiki's theme and layout, but just because I have a few extra capabilities doesn't mean I'm not an ordinary contributor like you! I love LPS: Popular as much as anyone, and I am here to help create a comprehensive database for it on the web. So I suppose I am writing this post as a "hello" of sorts; I hope you will join me in making this wiki the best it can be.


PS: This is probably all mishmash. I honestly don't know what to say here. If you've any questions, message me on my talk page, I suppose?
